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- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
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- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
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- ------
- <<<<<<
- iiiiii
- xxxxxx
- Questions and Answers
- John Neil
- April 23, 1996
- What is a Floating Point Unit?
- ZA Floating Point Unit (FPU) is a hardware chip that performs certain types of mathematical
- HWoperations quickly. An FPU is also known as a floating point co-processor or a math co
- Hbprocessor. The performance of many scientific, mathematical, and financial applications increases
- !greatly when an FPU is installed.
- 0Why won
- t some applications work without an FPU?
- PFor maximum performance, some applications talk directly to the FPU chip. These
- H[applications cannot function on Macintosh computers without an FPU. Launching one of these
- aapplications on a Macintosh without an FPU will result in either a warning message or a
- floating
- /point co-processor not installed
- system error.
- What is SoftwareFPU?
- USoftwareFPU is a control panel that allows most applications expecting an FPU to work
- H`properly on Macintoshes without one, such as the IIsi, IIvi, Macintosh LC series, Classic II and
- TColor Classic series, Performa series, and some models of the Quadra, PowerBook, and
- WPowerBook Duo series. SoftwareFPU will also work on Power Macintoshes. SoftwareFPU is
- 3fully System 6 and 7 compatible. SoftwareFPU will
- & work on 68000 Macintoshes such as the
- HTMacintosh Plus, SE, Classic, Portable, and PowerBook 100 (see 68000 question below).
- VBecause of a 68LC040 CPU chip bug, some applications crash with SoftwareFPU on 68LC040
- )Macintoshes (see 68LC040 question below).
- Why use SoftwareFPU?
- ZSoftwareFPU allows you to use your FPU applications now, instead of waiting for a software
- H upgrade or buying an FPU card.
- 9On Power Macintoshes, SoftwareFPU is the only way you can
- HEuse FPU applications until they are available in PowerPC-native form.
- Examples of applications
- HSwhich will only work with SoftwareFPU on Macintoshes without an FPU include AutoCAD
- XRelease 12, CG Option for Media 100, DynaPerspective 2.33, Elastic Reality, Elite Flight
- `Simulators 3.1, Excel 2.2, GeoView 3.1, Igor Pro 2.01, Illustrator 5.0 (some plug-ins require an
- SFPU), Infini-D 2.5.1, LabView 3.0, MacFortran II 3.2, MacOberon 3.3, MacRLab 1.05f,
- SMacTSP, MATLAB 4.2a, PainterX2 (some effects require an FPU), PhotoShop 2.5.1 (some
- ]plug-ins require an FPU), PixelPaint Professional 2.0, Proof Positive, RayDream Designer 2.0,
- ZScanMatch 2.0, SPSS 6.1, StatView 4.02, StudioPro 1.0, Studio/8 1.1, StudioPro 1.0, Systat
- ^5.2, TekColor 1.1, TREE, Tristan 1.02, Vellum & Vellum 3D, VidSynth, and others. In addition,
- [if a developer only offers color Macintosh II and black and white Macintosh Plus/SE/Classic
- Times
- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- of 9
- H_versions of their software, SoftwareFPU allows users to take advantage of color features in the
- \Macintosh II version, rather than settling for the black and white Macintosh Plus/SE/Classic
- version.
- PA few applications have bugs which prevent them from working properly, even with
- HXSoftwareFPU installed. You will have to upgrade these applications to use them. Other
- [applications may be unacceptably slow when used with SoftwareFPU. If you have an important
- Xapplication of this type, you should consider purchasing an FPU card for your Macintosh.
- How do I use SoftwareFPU?
- [To activate SoftwareFPU, drop it into your System Folder and restart your computer. One of
- HHseveral possible icons will appear on the screen during system start up:
- Startup Icon
- Meaning
- */'SoftwareFPU installed (PowerPC version)
- *.#SoftwareFPU installed (68K version)
- @@@@@@
- SoftwareFPU did
- + install, for one of the following reasons:
- Problem
- Solution
- H*Mouse button was held down during start up
- &Restart, do not hold down mouse button
- System contains a hardware FPU
- 'Discard SoftwareFPU, you do not need it
- H&System software version less than 6.05
- /Upgrade your system software to 6.05 or greater
- H"System contains a 68000 processor.
- .SoftwareFPU will not work on 68000 Macintoshes
- H(Not enough memory to install SoftwareFPU
- Remove fonts or add memory
- (System 6 only)
- H0System folder contains older version (PseudoFPU)
- &Discard obsolete PseudoFPU and restart
- H$Not in proper location on hard drive
- 1Put in Control Panels folder (System 7) or System
- folder (System 6)
- Times
- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- of 9
- ZSYou can turn SoftwareFPU on or off, or learn more about the program, by opening the
- H\SoftwareFPU control panel. To do this, select Control Panels from the Apple Menu and double
- HZclick the SoftwareFPU icon in the Controls Panels window. (System 6 users must select the
- `Control Panel from the Apple menu, which brings up the Control Panel dialog box. Scroll through
- dthe icons on the left side of the box until you find
- SoftwareFPU
- and select it by clicking on it.)
- %The following dialog box will appear:
- ZSA status message appears below the description which indicates the current state of
- H_SoftwareFPU. You can turn SoftwareFPU on or off with the buttons in the top right corner. You
- ccan do this without restarting (System 7 required) as long as SoftwareFPU was installed at startup.
- ]You can also temporarily disable SoftwareFPU at startup by holding down the mouse button. Be
- /sure to click on the
- and
- buttons!
- Times
- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- of 9
- ZYSoftwareFPU comes in both shareware and registered versions. If you obtained SoftwareFPU
- H]from an on-line service, a Macintosh user group, or a friend, you have the shareware version.
- XWhen you send in your required registration fee ($10 for 68K-only version, $20 for
- `68K/PowerPC version), you will receive a registered version of the software in the mail. In the
- `registered version, a
- button replaces the
- button in the shareware version. You can
- >change accuracy and startup balloon options using this button:
- ZWThe Accuracy option allows you to select the FPU accuracy (
- 68K/PowerPC version on
- H[Power Macintoshes only). To configure SoftwareFPU to operate in fast 64-bit accuracy mode,
- ]click the
- 64-bit
- button. This mode allows SoftwareFPU to take advantage of the PowerPC FPU
- `to speed up calculations, at the expense of reduced accuracy. To select slower 80-bit accuracy,
- ^click the
- 80-bit
- button. This mode achieves maximum accuracy but runs entirely in 68K code,
- Uslowing performance. For most applications, 64-bit accuracy is perfectly acceptable.
- \To hide the startup
- thank you
- balloon in the registered version, uncheck the
- Show Startup
- Balloon
- box.
- Times
- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- of 9
- How do I register SoftwareFPU?
- P68K-only SoftwareFPU is a shareware product. If you use it, you must send a $10
- Haregistration fee to John Neil & Associates. To receive a
- 68K/PowerPC version, send $20. A
- cregistration form is located at the end of this manual. $10 or $20 is probably not much to you but
- Uit really gives me the incentive to keep on programming. Thank you for your support!
- P68K/PowerPC SoftwareFPU is a commercial product, subject to the software license
- H[agreement that came with the disk. Unauthorized copying or distribution of the 68K/PowerPC
- Aversion is a violation of U.S. law and/or international treaties.
- \Your registration fee entitles you to use SoftwareFPU on one computer at a time. Commercial
- Hcdistribution is prohibited without a software license from John Neil & Associates. For information
- 9on commercial licensing, contact us at the address above.
- XWhile we have made every effort to deliver this software free of bugs, SoftwareFPU comes
- as is
- with no warranty whatsoever. If you do run across something unexpected, let us know and
- we will do our best to fix it.
- Is SoftwareFPU PowerPC-native?
- WThe shareware version of SoftwareFPU is 68K-only. For a
- 68K/PowerPC version with
- HAtwice the performance, please send $20 to John Neil & Associates.
- 5Where can I obtain the latest version of SoftwareFPU?
- [The latest shareware version of SoftwareFPU is available on-line on America Online (keyword
- HXMUT), CompuServe (GO MACSYS), via anonymous ftp at ftp.netcom.com (/pub/jo/johnneil), or
- [from our Web site (http://www.jna.com). To obtain the latest registered version, send your
- ]registration fee ($10 for 68K-only version, $20 for
- 68K/PowerPC version) to John Neil &
- ]Associates. If you are already registered, you can upgrade to the latest version for $10. A
- 7registration form is located at the end of this manual.
- BWill SoftwareFPU slow down applications that don't require an FPU?
- [No! Non-FPU applications perform at identical speed with or without SoftwareFPU installed.
- HYThe only effect of SoftwareFPU is to allow you to use FPU applications on your Macintosh.
- 7What happens if I insert an FPU card into my Macintosh?
- ZSoftwareFPU will automatically be disabled, and the hardware FPU will perform all floating
- H_point calculations. A message in the SoftwareFPU control panel will tell you if SoftwareFPU is
- 8not installed because your Macintosh has a hardware FPU.
- JWill SoftwareFPU eliminate all
- co-processor not installed
- system errors?
- ^The
- co-processor not installed
- system error is a very misleading error message. While it is
- H`possible to get this message by launching an application that requires an FPU, most modern, well
- H]written 68K FPU applications check for an FPU and display a more explanatory error message if
- _an FPU is not present. Therefore, this system error is usually caused by an unrelated problem.
- _The
- co-processor not installed
- system error appears because this unrelated problem caused the
- Tapplication to execute an illegal instruction that by chance was an FPU instruction.
- Times
- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- of 9
- ZYTo determine for sure whether a
- co-processor not installed
- system error was caused by a
- HWmissing FPU, check what application was running when the system error occurred. If the
- \application requires an FPU, then the system error probably resulted from a missing FPU, and
- _SoftwareFPU should eliminate the error. If the application does not require an FPU, the system
- _error resulted from an unrelated problem, such as corrupted system software, a system extension
- aconflict, a virus or a bug in the application or system software. In these instances SoftwareFPU
- bwill not help. If you are unsure whether an application requires an FPU, contact the publisher of
- $the application in question and ask.
- OSoftwareFPU installed correctly, but applications still complain that no FPU is
- present. What's wrong?
- ^Open the SoftwareFPU control panel. If you see a message that says
- Application conflict,
- H[application you have launched is incompatible with SoftwareFPU. This typically occurs when
- Wusing a source-level debugger in a development system like MPW or THINK C/Symantec C++.
- dIn this case, the source-level debugger replaces the system F-Line exception vector, so it can catch
- band report illegal FPU instructions, which disables SoftwareFPU. To re-enable it again, click the
- button in the SoftwareFPU control panel.
- 2Why doesn't SoftwareFPU work on 68000 Macintoshes?
- XAt first glance, SoftwareFPU might seem like a solution for allowing FPU applications to
- HZwork on 68000 Macintoshes such as the Macintosh Plus, SE, Classic, Portable, and PowerBook
- Z100. However, FPU applications depend on a number of other features that are missing from
- Ythese Macintosh models, such as 68020 instructions and Color QuickDraw. Because of this,
- YSoftwareFPU would not allow any additional applications to function on 68000 Macintoshes.
- TTherefore, SoftwareFPU has been optimized for 68020 and greater processors, forgoing
- %compatibility with 68000 Macintoshes.
- GWhy do some applications crash with SoftwareFPU on 68LC040 Macintoshes?
- VThe 68LC040 CPU chip has a bug in it which prevents many FPU applications from working
- H_properly with SoftwareFPU. The bug is confirmed by Motorola and listed as bug E4 on revision 4
- `of the official Motorola 68LC040 errata sheet. Unfortunately there is no way for SoftwareFPU to
- Ywork-around this bug. If you have SoftwareFPU installed on a 68LC040 Macintosh, you will
- `have to test each FPU application you use to see whether it will work on your Macintosh. If the
- `application crashes, it is probably due to the 68LC040 CPU chip bug. To verify the cause of the
- ecrash, test the same application on a regular 68040 Macintosh. If the application operates correctly
- Uon a 68040 Macintosh, the CPU bug is causing the application to crash on your 68LC040
- `Macintosh. If the application crashes on a 68040 Macintosh, the CPU bug is not the cause of the
- 68LC040 crash.
- UIf your FPU application crashes with SoftwareFPU because of the 68LC040 CPU bug, your
- options are:
- Replace the application with a version that does not require an FPU, if available.
- Replace the 68LC040 CPU in your Macintosh with a 68040 CPU that contains a hardware
- HYFPU. John Neil & Associates sells 68040 upgrades for desktop Macintoshes and PowerBooks.
- WSee the price list at the end of the
- About SoftwareFPU
- document for more information.
- Install a PowerPC upgrade card in your computer. FPU applications work properly with
- H#SoftwareFPU on PowerPC Macintoshes.
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- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- of 9
- HGWhy doesn
- t Excel say it is using an FPU when SoftwareFPU in installed?
- ZMost FPU applications require an FPU to work properly. Excel and a few other applications
- Hchave the optional capability of using an FPU if present for floating-point calculations
- otherwise
- ethese applications perform floating-point calculations in software. Software floating-point routines
- ]are usually faster than SoftwareFPU since they do not have the added overhead associated with
- ]FPU emulation. SoftwareFPU is aware of existing applications with this unique capability and
- Qdoes not report the presence of an FPU to them, so they operate at maximum speed.
- MIs an FPU application with SoftwareFPU faster than the non-FPU version of the
- same application?
- [No. SoftwareFPU is a compatibility solution, not a performance enhancement. If you have a
- H[non-FPU version of an application, you should use it on a Macintosh without an FPU. If you
- t have a non-FPU version, or it doesn
- t exist, then you should try SoftwareFPU.
- DWhy do I need SoftwareFPU on a Power Macintosh? Doesn
- t the PowerPC
- processor already have an FPU?
- TThe PowerPC processor has an FPU integrated on-chip. You do not need SoftwareFPU to
- HRuse PowerPC-native FPU applications on your Power Macintosh. However, you do need
- WSoftwareFPU to use non-native 68K FPU applications on your Power Macintosh. Non-native
- ]68K applications are emulated on Power Macintoshes. The emulation software supplied by Apple
- does not emulate an FPU.
- :Does SoftwareFPU use the PowerPC FPU on Power Macintoshes?
- UYes, some calculations are performed in the PowerPC FPU on Power Macintoshes, but the
- H\overhead for FPU emulation is such that SoftwareFPU is still much slower than the PowerPC or
- 68K FPU.
- MWhy does the SoftwareFPU control panel say the 68K version is installed, even
- Fthough I have the
- 68K/PowerPC version of SoftwareFPU on my Power
- Macintosh?
- ^Click the
- button in the SoftwareFPU control panel and switch to 64-bit accuracy. 80-bit
- H^accuracy forces SoftwareFPU to load the 68K version of the FPU emulator. If there is no
- Vbutton in the SoftwareFPU control panel, re-install SoftwareFPU from your master disk.
- What is the SoftwareFPU icon?
- It is a floating point!
- HCSoftwareFPU and PseudoFPU are trademarks of John Neil & Associates.
- OAll other tradenames & trademarks are properties of their respective companies.
- Times
- Price List
- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- n Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- SoftwareFPU
- \Low-cost 68K floating-point unit (FPU) software emulator for 68K Macintosh without an FPU or
- \Power Macintosh. Lets you run 68K FPU applications on a Macintosh without an FPU or a Power
- >Macintosh. Requires 68020/68030/68LC040 or PowerPC Macintosh.
- SoftwareFPU (68K-only)
- ){G.......................................................................
- $10.00
- SoftwareFPU (68K/PowerPC)
- A.................................................................
- $20.00
- N!SoftwareFPU (68K/PowerPC Upgrade)
- 6......................................................
- $10.00
- For r
- $egistered 68K-only SoftwareFPU users
- PowerFPU
- _High-performance 68K floating-point unit (FPU) software emulator for Power Macintosh. Lets you
- Qrun 68K FPU applications on a Power Macintosh. Ten times faster than 68K/PowerPC
- RSoftwareFPU and faster than some hardware FPUs. Recommended for FPU-intensive 68K
- *applications. Requires PowerPC Macintosh.
- PowerFPU
- )6X........................................................................................
- $75.00
- PowerFPU Upgrade
- )bM.............................................................................
- $50.00
- For r
- 'egistered 68K/PowerPC SoftwareFPU users
- PowerFPU Upgrade
- )bM.............................................................................
- $60.00
- For r
- $egistered 68K-only SoftwareFPU users
- 68040 CPU Upgrade Kits
- YReplace the 68LC040 CPU in your desktop Macintosh with a 68040 CPU with built-in hardware
- `FPU and run 68K FPU applications at full speed. Comes with simple step-by-step instructions and
- =CPU extraction tool. 1-year warranty (voids Apple warranty).
- 25MHz 68040 Upgrade Kit
- C...................................................................
- $219.00
- Macintosh
- )+9Centris 610/650, LC 475, Performa 475/476, Quadra 605/610
- 33MHz 68040 Upgrade Kit
- C...................................................................
- $259.00
- Macintosh LC & Performa series
- 68040 CPU PowerBook Upgrades
- RReplace the 68LC040 CPU in your Macintosh PowerBook with a 68040 CPU with built-in
- [hardware FPU and run 68K FPU applications at full speed. PowerBook must be shipped to JN&A
- Fupgrade facility for service. 1-year warranty (voids Apple warranty).
- 25MHz 68040 PowerBook Upgrade
- 9.........................................................
- $329.00
- Macintosh
- PowerBook 520/520c
- 33MHz 68040 PowerBook Upgrade
- 9.........................................................
- $329.00
- Macintosh
- )+*PowerBook Duo 280/280c, PowerBook 540/540c
- <XAll prices subject to change without notice and do not include any applicable sales tax.
- Times
- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- Order Form
- G{International users must pay by international money order, check drawn on a U.S. bank, or credit card. Allow 2-4 weeks for
- |mail, ground, or airmail delivery. Overnight delivery requires 1-2 business days for phone, fax, or e-mail orders (3-4 days
- tinternational) and 7-10 business days from receipt for mail orders. Software cannot be sent via e-mail. Shipping &
- zhandling may be higher for multiple-unit orders. Purchase orders accepted from companies with approved credit, contact us
- for a credit application. All prices subject to change without notice, visit our web site for current pricing information. All
- ysoftware is copyrighted and unauthorized copying or distribution is a violation of US laws and/or international treaties.
- + Sales Tax
- California USA
- )< residents
- must add local sales tax
- Sub-Total
- Total
- + Shipping & Handling
- : Mail
- , Ground
- , Overnight
- International
- : Airmail
- , Overnight
- E-Mail:
- Name:
- Address
- Phone:
- Please include
- zip/postal code
- , and
- country
- if outside the USA
- Price
- Total
- Price
- Description
- SoftwareFPU (68K/PowerPC)
- $20.00
- k!SoftwareFPU (68K/PowerPC Upgrade)
- )For registered 68K-only SoftwareFPU users
- $10.00
- PowerFPU (Upgrade)
- For r
- 'egistered 68K/PowerPC SoftwareFPU users
- $50.00
- PowerFPU (Upgrade)
- For r
- $egistered 68K-only SoftwareFPU users
- $60.00
- 68040 CPU Upgrade Kit (25MHz)
- Macintosh
- )+4Centris 610/650, LC/Performa 475/476, Quadra 605/610
- $219.00
- 68040 CPU Upgrade Kit (33MHz)
- Macintosh LC & Performa series
- $259.00
- SoftwareFPU (68K-only)
- $10.00
- PowerFPU
- $75.00
- 68040 PowerBook Upgrade
- :Call to arrange PowerBook shipment to our service facility
- $329.00
- G Card Type (circle one)
- VISA MasterCard Amex
- Discover
- Payment type (circle one)
- #Credit card Check Money order
- Card Number
- Exp. Date
- L#! ?4
- 8;6=013
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- ( )3,
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- John M. Neil
- John M. Neil
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